full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sebastian Deterding: What your designs say about you

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I don't know whether you know the great communication researcher Paul Watzlawick who, back in the '60s, made the arneumgt that we cannot not communicate. Even if we choose to be slneit, we chose to be silent, and we're communicating something by choosing to be silent. And in the same way that we cannot not communicate, we cannot not persuade: whatever we do or refrain from doing, whatever we put out there as a piece of design, into the wrold, has a persuasive component. It tries to affect people. It puts a certain vision of the good life out there in fonrt of us,

Open Cloze

I don't know whether you know the great communication researcher Paul Watzlawick who, back in the '60s, made the ________ that we cannot not communicate. Even if we choose to be ______, we chose to be silent, and we're communicating something by choosing to be silent. And in the same way that we cannot not communicate, we cannot not persuade: whatever we do or refrain from doing, whatever we put out there as a piece of design, into the _____, has a persuasive component. It tries to affect people. It puts a certain vision of the good life out there in _____ of us,


  1. front
  2. argument
  3. world
  4. silent

Original Text

I don't know whether you know the great communication researcher Paul Watzlawick who, back in the '60s, made the argument that we cannot not communicate. Even if we choose to be silent, we chose to be silent, and we're communicating something by choosing to be silent. And in the same way that we cannot not communicate, we cannot not persuade: whatever we do or refrain from doing, whatever we put out there as a piece of design, into the world, has a persuasive component. It tries to affect people. It puts a certain vision of the good life out there in front of us,

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good life 12
driving behavior 2
persuasive technology 2

Important Words

  1. affect
  2. argument
  3. choose
  4. choosing
  5. chose
  6. communicate
  7. communicating
  8. communication
  9. component
  10. design
  11. front
  12. good
  13. great
  14. life
  15. paul
  16. people
  17. persuasive
  18. piece
  19. put
  20. puts
  21. refrain
  22. researcher
  23. silent
  24. vision
  25. watzlawick
  26. world